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Visit outdoor works


柴田佳石 《福澤諭吉胸像》 1953年
イサムノグチ 《無》 1950-1951年
菊池一雄 《青年》 1948年
朝倉文夫 《平和来》 1952年


Works you can see in this course

SHIBATA Kaseki 《Bust of Yukichi Fukuzawa》1953
NOGUCHI Isamu 《Mu(Nothingness)》1950-1951
KIKUCHI Kazuo 《Youth》1948
ASAKURA Fumio《Heiwa Kitaru(Coming of Peace)》

《Bust of Yukichi Fukuzawa》is established in front of Mita Enzetsu-kan. Go up the outdoor stairs of South Building and you can see《Mu(Nothingness)》. To see it, you can take the elevator to the third floor, walk along the corridor and then go out from the emergency exit.
《Youth》is exhibited in front of West Building. 《Heiwa Kitaru(Coming of Peace)》is exhibited in Fukuzawa park, in front of Jukukan-kyoku. For more details, check the photos and the videos below.