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KeMCo発 全作品を巡るコース
Visit all works starting from KeMCo


宇佐美圭司《やがてすべては一つの円のなかに No.1》1982年

KeMCoを出て、東京タワーに向かって歩くと東門があります。福澤公園を経由し、図書館旧館1Fの《手古奈》へ。労働組合本部前には《青年》があります。西校舎地下1F生協食堂を経由し、南館入り口を通過し南館3F屋外へ。三田演説館前に《福澤諭吉胸像》があります。《やがてすべては一つの円のなかに No.1》は図書館1F玄関にあります。KUACでの鑑賞がお済みでない方は、正門から出て、横断歩道を渡った先にKUACがあります。詳細は、以下の写真・動画を参照してください。

Works you can visit in this course

ASAKURA Fumio 《Heiwa Kitaru (Coming of Peace)》 1952
KITAMURA Shikai 《The Maiden Tekona》 ca. 1909
KIKUCHI Kazuo 《Youth》 1948
INOKUMA Genichirō 《Democracy》 1949
NOGUCHI Isamu 《Gakusei (Student)》 1951
NOGUCHI Isamu 《Wakai Hito (Young Person)》 1950
NOGUCHI Isamu 《Mu (Nothingness)》 1950-1951
SHIBATA Kaseki 《Bust of Yukichi Fukuzawa》 1953
USAMI Keiji 《Eventually They All Come into a Circle No. 1》1982

After visiting KeMCo, go towards Tokyo Tower and enter the East Gate. Go to the Old Library via Fukuzawa Park and visit “Tekona” at the first floor. You will find “Seinen” in front of the West Building. Visit the Cafeteria at the West School Building first basement floor, and after that, go to the South Building and see the works in 1st floor and 3rd floor outside. In front of the Mita Enzetsu-kan “Bust of Yukichi Fukuzawa” can be found. “Eventually They All Come into a Circle No. 1” is displayed at The Keio University Library 1st floor. If you have not visited to KUAC yet, go through the South Gate and you will find KUAC across the street. For more details, check the photos and videos below.