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12 イサム・ノグチ、谷口吉郎

12 NOGUCHI Isamu and TANIGUCHI Yoshiro
The Ex-Noguchi Room [A common room in the Second Faculty Building]
1951 (partially relocated in 2005)



Commentary by Curator

"The “Noguchi Room” was a common room on the first floor of the Second Faculty Building on Mita Campus created in 1951, designed through a collaboration between the sculptor lsamu Noguchi (1904-88) and the architect Yoshiro Taniguchi (1904-79). The Second Faculty Building was dismantled for the construction of the South Building in 2003, and was partially relocated to the roof terrace on the third-floor of the South Building in a different form. The ""Ex-Noguchi Room"" underwent a major restoration in 2007, when the stool and other furniture were loaned to the Isamu Noguchi Foundation and the Garden Museum in New York. Research conducted during the restoration revealed that the materials used by Noguchi, which were commonly used in Japan in the 1950s, are now hard to find. So, the materials matching the original were sought. In addition, it was confirmed that the furniture was deteriorating due to direct sunlight from the relocation to the roof terrace. Therefore, furniture covers were made to protect them from sunlight. Also, UV-blocking film was affixed to the window. These countermeasures slow down deterioration, and are very effective for preserving the works. Since then, the furniture has been under continuous care, with experts inspecting its condition once a year, cleaning it, and applying protective wax. At present, the Ex-Noguchi Room is usually closed to the public, but it is periodically opened to the public and users are given guidelines on how to use it. We are striving to inherit architectural spaces while maintaining a balance between preservation and utilization."

